Contact us

Club: CD Atlético Baleares SAD
Address: C/Jules Leclercq nº1 07007 – Palma
Office hours: Monday to friday, 9:00h – 17:00h
ATB Shop timetable: 

  • From July 1st to 21th: From monday to friday 9:00 – 14:30 h.
  • From July 22th to 31th: From monday to friday 10:00 – 16:00 h.

Telephone: (+34) 971 27 45 60
Shop phone number: (+34) 635 03 96 32
Social Blub – ATB Bar: (+34) 971 447 294

Information: (office)
Marketing/comercial: (Esteban Ramón)
Scouting: (Mateo Escalas)

According to the Organic Law 15/1999, we inform you that all the personal data will be integrated into a CD Atletico Baleares SAD file. You are entitled to know, rectify or cancel your own personal data . If you do not wish to receive any information or to make an amendment, please notify us in writing through the same via that you had previously used, clearly indicating all your data.

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